Welcome to IBiB

Thanks for visiting It Begins in Brockport (IBiB), a makerspace in Brockport. We are located in the Hart Gallery 27 Studios in Brockport and our goal is to bring creative opportunities to the community.

IBiB provides visitors and members the chance to create, learn, and innovate with a variety of tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl cutters, and more. We encourage people to develop their digital fabrication skills by participating in a workshop and learn how to use one of the tools. For those who have some creative projects in mind, becoming a member gives them the access to turn those ideas into reality.

Head on over to the main page to get more information about our location and events. You can also follow us on Facebook to see current happenings at the makerspace. If you have any questions or comments, email is the easiest way to get in touch with us (the email address is at the bottom of this page).

We have a (roughly) weekly newsletter that shares invents, stories, and equipment updates. If you want to keep up with IBiB news, the sign up here.

So have a look around and see if there is an event coming up that might interest you. We’re here to help you realize your creative ideas, and we hope that you join our growing community of makers.

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