
IBiB is a highly participatory organization and there are multiple ways that you can get involved. We are seeking people who would like to support the organization financially and those who would like to also become active members, using the equipment in the space on a regular basis.

The links on this page will connect you to a secure payment page provided by Stripe, our payment processor.


IBiB members have full access to the equipment and facility of IBiB, subject to the terms of a membership agreement. IBiB will provide training, mentoring, and starter supplies for the use of its equipment. Members will receive early notice of all events and will not be charged for paid workshops beyond the cost of supplies. For more information about membership prior to joining contact or attend one of our events. You will need to complete a membership agreement and other documents before working on your projects.

Membership in IBiB is $40 per month, with a discount for one additional adult in the same household. Please note that the membership link defaults to including this additional member, so be sure to remove it if you don’t need it.


Your financial support provides the foundation for our community programs, including many free ones. Becoming a financial supporter will add you to our e-mail list (unless you choose to opt out). Supporters at the subscriber or patron level will receive a monthly electronic newsletter and will be invited to all free events. Donors, subscribers and partrons do not have membership privileges.

You can make a one time donation of any amount. The default is $25 but you can change it to any amount on the Stripe page.

You can become a subscriber at the level of $10 per month. You can cancel this subscription at any time.

You can become a patron at the level of $20 per month. You can cancel this subscription at any time.

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