
It Begins in Brockport

It Begins in Brockport (IBiB) is a makerspace created and managed by the nonprofit organization Brockport Original Builds. IBiB’s mission is to empower community innovation and learning through accessible digital fabrication. IBiB offers the community a wide variety of ways to participate in creating physical objects from innovative ideas and digital designs. These include:

  • Monthly open houses to meet IBiB’s members and get a tour of its facility, equipment, and projects.
  • Free public events that allow people to get hands-on with making.
  • Paid workshops where people learn, create, and take their creations with them.
  • Monthly memberships that allow members to use IBiB’s equipment for their own projects, with training, mentoring, and basic supplies provided.
  • Opportunities to support IBiB financially without becoming active members.

IBiB operates out of a studio at Hart Gallery 27 located at 27 Market Street, Brockport NY 14420. Aside from announced open houses and workshops listed on our events page, IBiB currently has hours by appointment. All inquiries about IBiB should be sent to info@ibib_us.

Brockport Original Builds

Brockport Original Builds (BOB) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that holds the legal, fiscal, and governance responsibilities for IBiB. Brockport Original Builds works to improve the lives of traditional and non-traditional learners by providing access to tools, training, and professional development opportunities needed to work, create, and innovate in a technology-rich environment.

The board of Brockport Original Builds (and leadership of IBiB) consists of:

BoB LeSuer, President. A Chemist by training, BoB has always had an interest in computer programming and building scientific instruments. During a sabbatical in 2010, he built his first 3D printer and developed an undergraduate research program to create open, inexpensive, and accessible instrumentation for teaching laboratories. When taking a break from making stuff, he works out at the Renshinkan Judo Dojo.

Zak Robinson, Vice- President. Zak is a physicist who studies materials for next-generation computers in his research lab. But, really, Zak and his students design, make, and automate custom instruments to do fun experiments in the lab. Zak’s experiences have given him good practice making things in a traditional machine shop (mill and lathe), and with various maker tools like 3D printers and CNC machines. When Zak isn’t in the research lab doing experiments, he’s busy dreaming up and sketching on napkins the next instrument he wants to build.

Bill Ball, Treasurer. A life-long maker, Bill started multiple campus & community makerspaces and maker fairs in Florida and Ohio before moving to the Rochester area in 2020. He particularly enjoys mentoring other makers and using 3D printing and electronics to create original interactive toys. His maker website is www.tinkerfarm.net. When not making stuff he is a college professor, teaching courses on sustainability at RIT and Nazareth on an adjunct basis.

Bernie LoBracco, Secretary. Bernie started his career as a pharmaceutical chemist working on synthetic penicillins. He reinvented himself as a computer scientist and finally finished his professional career as a college Mathematics lecturer. Through it all, Bernie has always promoted education, both personal and community.   

The BOB board constitutes the leadership of IBiB. All inquiries about Brockport Original Builds should be sent to brockportoriginalbuilds@gmail.com

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