
Welcome to It Begins In Brockport!

It Begins in Brockport (IBiB) is a makerspace located in Hart Gallery 27 in Brockport, NY. Operated by Brockport Original Builds, IBiB’s mission is to empower community innovation and learning through accessible digital fabrication.

IBiB members have access to a growing collection of tools of digital fabrication (such as 3D printers, laser cutter, CAD design, CNC router, digital electronics, and vinyl cutter), mentorship by other members, and workshops and events held by IBiB.

IBiB’s workshops in digital literacy and fabrication are open to all members of our community. These stand-alone events provide insight and hands-on opportunities for making using digital tools. A special focus of our workshops is intergenerational making as we believe when people of all ages come together and share their strengths and creative ideas, we generate a stronger community with greater power to learn and innovate. Some workshops have a fee.

Please explore IBiB through the links on this site and please come to one of our open houses to see the space and meet our members. We can be reached at info@ibib.us.

Want to stay up to date on our programming and activities? Sign up for the newsletter. You’ll get weekly reminders of events and makerspace news.

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